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Category: Butt Lift

4 Procedures that Pair Perfectly with Brazilian Butt Lift

Beautifying your buttocks may be one of the last things you prioritize when making a plastic surgery wish list. But the truth is, your “butt” plays an essential role in the overall balance of your body’s proportions. Whether your buttocks are sagging due to aging or a significant weight loss or have little to no… Read Full Article

6 Plastic Surgeries That Give Your Confidence a “Lift”

Sagging skin is a natural, albeit frustrating part of how our skin ages. But, skin can also lose its “snap back” for several other reasons that have little to do with the year we were born. Significant weight loss, pregnancy, and breastfeeding are some other factors that may contribute to excess or sagging skin on… Read Full Article
Butt lift

Give Your Confidence a Boost with Butt Lift Surgery

According to the National Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, the number of Butt Lifts performed in the United States has increased by over 100% since 2000. Turn on any cable reality show or open the latest celebrity magazine, and it quickly becomes apparent that contemporary culture places a great deal of emphasis on the derriere! Our… Read Full Article

Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery

What’s all the buzz “behind” this popular, yet controversial procedure? Unless you haven’t been “Keeping Up with the Kardashians,” you’re probably aware that the new ideal dimensions for your derriere have grown in size. Gone are the days of waif-like supermodels with skinny legs that go for miles and extend up into barely-there bums. This… Read Full Article

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