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Category: Thigh Lift

Top Tips for a Smooth Thigh Lift Recovery

Thigh lift surgery may not be as commonplace as breast augmentation or liposuction when it comes to plastic surgery, but that doesn’t make it any less life-changing for patients who are frustrated with the appearance of their thighs. The skin quality of our thighs can change dramatically as we age, especially if we experience significant… Read Full Article

5 Plastic Surgeries to Consider After Major Weight Loss

Losing a significant amount of weight is an accomplishment to be proud of and can be life-changing, not only in how a person physically appears but also in how they feel and interact with the world around them. Frustratingly, losing 50+ pounds may not be the last step in people’s journey towards looking and feeling… Read Full Article

6 Plastic Surgeries That Give Your Confidence a “Lift”

Sagging skin is a natural, albeit frustrating part of how our skin ages. But, skin can also lose its “snap back” for several other reasons that have little to do with the year we were born. Significant weight loss, pregnancy, and breastfeeding are some other factors that may contribute to excess or sagging skin on… Read Full Article

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