Body Mass Index

Calculate Your Own Body Mass Index

Your Weight

Your Height





Less than 18.5




More than 30


Normal (18.5-25)
Underweight (-18.5)
Overweight (25-30)
Obese (+30)


If your BMI falls into the normal category, you are most likely a good candidate for most plastic surgeries Edina Plastic Surgery offers, except body procedures requiring fat grafting. Please ensure that your BMI calculates to at least 25 before scheduling a consultation to discuss Breast Fat Grafting or Brazilian Butt Lift.  The exception to this would be facial fat grafting.  Most people with a normal BMI range are appropriate candidates for facial rejuvenation with fat transfer.


A BMI less than 18.5 may indicate an underlying medical condition and may also make you a poor candidate for specific procedures. If your BMI suggests that you are underweight, you will not be a candidate for body procedures that include fat transfer, including Breast Fat Grafting and Brazilian Butt Lift.


A BMI between 25-30 is ideal for procedures that require harvesting fat from one part of the body to enhance another. These include Breast Fat Grafting and Brazilian Butt Lift. For other procedures, your plastic surgeon may require you to be at a stable weight that you have maintained for at least six months before scheduling your surgery. A consultation will determine if you are an appropriate candidate for the surgery you are interested in.


If your BMI calculation indicates that you are in the obese category, it is strongly recommended that you bring your BMI into a lower category before scheduling a consultation with an Edina Plastic Surgeon. Once a BMI exceeds 35, your anesthesia risks increase, as do potential complications during surgery. A BMI at this level may lead to infections, seromas, poor wound healing, and blood clots such as Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) or Pulmonary Emboli (PE).

Attaining and maintaining a healthy BMI not only lowers your risk of developing complications during and after plastic surgery but also enchances your overall result and health!

Special Considerations for Athletes and BMI Calculations

It is important to note that the BMI equation does NOT consider body fat percentage. As a result, an athlete with significant muscle mass, yet very little fat, may fall into an overweight category when calculating their BMI. In this case, that patient would still not be an appropriate candidate for any body procedure involving fat transfer, such as Breast Fat Grafting or Brazilian Butt Lift.

Do you have further questions regarding whether or not you are a good candidate for a particular surgery based on your BMI? Please email your questions to or call (612) 688-3177 before scheduling your consultation.

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