mommy makeover patient
mommy makeover patient


Mommy Makeover

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Women’s bodies are capable of remarkable things during pregnancy. The way your body transforms to carry, birth and nurture a child is awe-inspiring, almost magical — but you may not feel the same way about some of the changes that are left behind. Loose skin, stretch marks, excess fat and drooping, deflated breasts are common complaints after childbirth. Although we see many images of celebrities who seem to miraculously regain their pre-pregnancy figure with the help of a personal trainer, the reality is that these issues often do not respond to diet and exercise, and it may take more than a commitment to health to restore a body that makes you feel good. Fortunately, a mommy makeover can bridge the gap to address post-pregnancy breast and body concerns.


‘Mommy makeover’ is a term used to describe a combination of plastic surgery procedures that comprehensively rejuvenate a woman’s body after childbearing. Mommy makeover surgery typically focuses on the breasts and abdomen, as these are the areas most affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Combining these procedures into a single surgery reduces costs and downtime while offering better overall aesthetic results.

Contact Edina Plastic Surgery today to learn more about mommy makeover surgery in Minnesota. Our expert board-certified plastic surgeons can help you decide on the right procedures to meet your goals and restore confidence in your body in this new stage of life.

Designing Your Mommy Makeover

A mommy makeover is a customizable package of surgical procedures that are “mixed and matched” to meet your needs and restore your physique. Our knowledgeable team will help you decide which options are right for you during your preliminary appointments.

Your mommy makeover package will be carefully customized after a consultation with your plastic surgeon. You will discuss every aspect of the surgery during this important meeting, including your health history, areas of concern and desires for the future. Once your surgeon has a detailed picture of what you want from your surgery, they will provide their best recommendations for how to accomplish your goals and you will decide together which procedures to include in your mommy makeover.


Your mommy makeover may include two or more of the following breast and body contouring procedures.

Breast Lift

A woman’s breasts can enlarge a great deal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. As they “return to normal,” she may be left with stretched, sagging skin and a loss of volume that gives her breasts a deflated appearance. A breast lift (mastopexy) addresses these issues by raising and reshaping the breasts and, if desired, reducing the size of the areolas.

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is frequently included in mommy makeover procedures to counteract the volume loss that occurs after pregnancy. Saline or silicone breast implants can also correct mild sagging and restore a perkier look to the bust. Some women may need to combine breast augmentation with a breast lift to improve the firmness, shape and size of their breasts if their breasts have moderate to severe sagging.

Breast Reduction

Some women experience their breasts growing disproportionately large and cumbersome during pregnancy. If they remain that way and cause discomfort, breast reduction surgery can provide relief. This procedure makes the breasts smaller and lighter by removing excess tissue. The nipples and areolas will also be moved and proportionately resized to a more youthful and attractive position.


A woman’s abdominal muscles, skin and tissue must stretch to accommodate a growing baby during pregnancy. An abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck, tightens loose abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) to restore strength to the midsection and sculpt a narrower, more shapely waistline. The procedure also eliminates excess skin from the lower abdomen that is loose and may contain stretch marks.


Weight gain is an essential part of pregnancy, but many mothers struggle to shed the added fat after the baby is born. Liposuction can remove pockets of stubborn subcutaneous fat from almost any area of the body. As part of a mommy makeover, liposuction is often used to contour the abdomen, flanks, hips, buttocks and thighs.


The delicate tissues of the labia are prone to stretching as a result of childbirth. If the labia become enlarged or elongated, some women experience discomfort while wearing tight clothing or engaging in certain activities. Other women simply don’t like the appearance of their labia after giving birth. Labiaplasty can permanently correct both cosmetic and functional concerns.

Deciding If Mommy Makeover Surgery Is Right for You

Because it is fully personalized, there is a mommy makeover package that is right for almost anyone. However, there are critical things to consider before you commit to a series of procedures.


First, a mommy makeover is recommended for women who do not plan to have more children. While the surgery does not affect your ability to carry a child, a future pregnancy could reverse the results of the procedure and bring back the same concerns you are now seeking to treat. The time, cost and risk of surgery may not be worthwhile unless you know for sure that you are done expanding your family.


This combination procedure should not be considered a weight-loss surgery, as the purpose is not to reduce the weight of the patient but, rather, improve the contour of the areas of concern.

The best mommy makeover results are generally achieved by patients who have worked to lose weight and tighten and tone their bodies as much as possible. The surgery can then address the loose skin, stubborn fat and stretched muscles that diet and exercise cannot.


Ideally, you should wait to have mommy makeover surgery until your body has had adequate time to heal from childbirth, you are no longer breastfeeding and you have resumed a routine of healthy eating and regular exercise. Depending on how long you breastfeed, this could be as early as one year after your last child.

It is best to be in good overall health before you undergo any surgical procedure, especially one as involved as a mommy makeover. This includes being within 10 to 20 pounds of what you would consider your goal weight. Healthy patients have a safer surgery and a simpler, faster recovery.

Patients should also not smoke or be prepared to refrain from smoking for several weeks before and after their mommy makeover. Nicotine and tobacco use impairs healing and can be detrimental to your results, so if you aren’t able to stop smoking, now might not be the best time for your procedure.


The recovery time from a mommy makeover can be one of the biggest hurdles for mothers, particularly those who are the primary child caretaker. It can be challenging to set aside the time you need to rest and heal safely. Plan on your initial recovery taking up to two weeks. Lifting more than five pounds and vigorous exercise should be avoided for at least four weeks. The lifting restriction does include a child, so oftentimes, the age of a woman’s children, how much lifting they require and how much help can be provided will affect when a woman decides to undergo these procedures.

Your recovery timeline will ultimately depend on your particular procedures, but it is important for every mommy makeover patient to think carefully about the timing of her surgery.

If you have any questions about whether you are a good candidate for a mommy makeover, schedule a consultation to learn more about the procedure and your options.

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Preparing for a Mommy Makeover in Edina

Before your surgery, you will receive specific instructions outlining how to prepare. These instructions may include guidelines on tobacco use, eating and drinking, and taking or avoiding certain vitamins and medications. Your preparations should also include arranging for someone to drive you home after surgery.


If you work outside of the home, time away from work will depend on the nature of your job. Women who have mostly desk jobs and who do not travel are likely going to need two to three weeks off from work. Women who have more active jobs that may include lifting more than 10 pounds will need four weeks off. Sometimes employers have ‘light duty’ options so that women can go back to work at two weeks after surgery on light duty and then start easing back into their regular type of work at four weeks after surgery.


Our Edina mommy makeover surgery shortens downtime from family and work, but combining procedures means recovery will be somewhat more difficult than if procedures were done separately. It can be challenging to take care of infants and toddlers without reliable help after this type of surgery. Patients should plan to have assistance with childcare and household tasks for at least two weeks after their procedure.


Our surgeons suggest completing a week’s worth of your typical errands, including grocery shopping, before undergoing a mommy makeover. They recommend preparing healthy meals ahead of time that can be stored in the fridge or freezer and then easily cooked (such as casseroles) and having frozen fruit on hand for making smoothies. Preplanning helps to make your recovery as calm and comfortable as possible, and it’s vital to give your body the nutrients it needs from healthy meals to heal during recovery.

About The Procedure

The Mommy Makeover Procedure

The mommy makeover experience varies for each patient based on her particular surgical plan. In general, mommy makeovers are outpatient procedures, which means that you will be able to return home on the same day as your surgery to begin your recovery. We perform these procedures at our in-house AAAASF-approved and state-licensed surgical facility in Edina, Minnesota. The surgery can last from four to six hours, depending on the package of procedures you choose. General anesthesia will be used to keep you comfortable during this time.

When your surgery is complete, you will spend some time in our recovery room while the anesthesia wears off. Then, your surgeon will send you home with aftercare instructions and medications for pain management. One of our board-certified surgeons is on call 24/7 if any questions or concerns arise once you are home.

Mommy Makeover Recovery and Results

Plan to rest as much as possible for a week or two after your mommy makeover. Be particularly careful with activities that involve bending or lifting, including childcare, household chores or errands. Although mothers are often natural doers and multitaskers, resist the urge to engage in too much too soon. It is best to have a partner, friend or family member assist you until your surgeon clears you for a wider range of motion.


You may gradually reintroduce activities as tolerated after the initial recovery period has passed. Around the six-week mark, you will be able to resume heavier lifting, regular exercise and other activities that require physical exertion.


Depending on which procedures you undergo, you may expect perkier, more youthful breasts, more slender body contours and a flatter abdomen. Your results will steadily reveal themselves as residual swelling and bruising subside. This process can take six months to a year, at which point your final mommy makeover results will be apparent.

Mommy makeovers have a very high satisfaction rate. The majority of our patients say the surgery has a life-changing effect on their appearance and self-esteem. A mommy makeover can give you back control of your body, renew your confidence and improve your quality of life.


Provided that you treat your body with care and commit to making healthy choices, your results will last for many years to come. While no procedure can stop the aging process, your treated areas will continue to look better than if you had not undergone the procedure.

To help make the cosmetic portions of your mommy makeover affordable, we offer flexible financing plans and have partnered with CareCredit®, a healthcare financing and medical credit card company.

Contact to Request a Consultation

As a parent, you are used to putting others before yourself. You make sacrifices for your family without a second thought, even if they affect your health or happiness. Many women accept unwanted changes to their body as part of motherhood, but the surgeons at Edina Plastic Surgery believe you deserve to live every day with confidence.

If you are struggling with the physical toll pregnancy has taken on your body and would like to explore your options, contact us to request a free consultation. Our board-certified plastic surgeons have years of experience performing cosmetic procedures of all types and can help you discover the right combination of procedures to make your aesthetic dreams a reality. Mommy makeover patients often visit us from Minneapolis, St. Paul and other areas near Edina, Minnesota, but out-of-town patients from all over the country come to our practice. We believe in providing comprehensive care for the whole patient and making sure you’re comfortable and cared for every step of the way.

Call or text us today at 612-688-3177 to get started!

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