Patients should demand the absolute highest of standards when pursuing any medical treatment, including Plastic Surgery. Even though the government requires medical licensing for all those who practice medicine, it is still voluntary for a physician or medical facility to seek accreditation. At Edina Plastic Surgery, we believe our patients deserve the best. That’s why we go above and beyond what is required to practice medicine in the state of Minnesota and strive to exceed quality standards in every facet of our patient care. Our accreditations mean that our team and staff are in a continuous state of learning and improving to ensure you are provided with the safest care, the most innovative treatments, and the absolute BEST outcomes.
The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF)
- The American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF) was established in 1980 to standardize and improve the quality of health care in outpatient facilities. AAAASF accredits thousands of facilities world-wide, making it one of the largest not-for-profit outpatient accrediting organizations. Physicians, clinicians, legislators, state/federal health agencies and patients acknowledge that AAAASF sets the “Gold Standard in Accreditation.”
- AAAASF holds outpatient and office-based facilities to hospital standards.
- AAAASF requires surgeons to be board certified and have hospital privileges for any procedure they perform.
- AAAASF requires the use of anesthesia professionals for deeper levels of anesthesia.
- AAAASF requires a safe and clean surgical environment that meets stringent standards.
- AAAASF requires peer review (peer oversight) and tracks data for thousands of individual cases.
- AAAASF works closely with facilities and provides help throughout the accreditation process.
- AAAASF champions patient safety worldwide and has for nearly 40 years.
Drs. Leigh, Philbin, and Wilke are to be accredited by the following institutions:
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons
The American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) is the largest plastic surgery specialty organization in the world. Founded in 1931, the society is composed of board-certified plastic surgeons who perform cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. The mission of ASPS is to advance quality care to plastic surgery patients by encouraging high standards of training, ethics, physician practice and research in plastic surgery.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
The mission of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is to advance the science and art of aesthetic plastic surgery among qualified plastic surgeons through support and direction of medical education and research, sponsorship of scientific meetings and dissemination of information on current aesthetic surgical techniques. The organization promotes and encourages the highest standards of ethical conduct and responsible patient care among aesthetic plastic surgeons.
The American College of Surgeons
Founded in 1913, The American College of Surgeons is a scientific and educational association of surgeons dedicated to improving the quality of care for surgical patients by setting high standards for surgical education and practice.
American Board of Medical Specialties
The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) works in collaboration with 24 medical specialty boards, also known as ABMS Member Boards, to maintain the standards for specialty certification. The focus is to improve the quality of health care to patients, families and communities by supporting the continuing professional development of medical and surgical specialists.
The American Board of Plastic Surgery
The mission of the American Board of Plastic Surgery is to promote safe, ethical and efficacious plastic surgery to the public by maintaining high standards for the education, examination, certification and maintenance of certification of plastic surgeons as specialists and subspecialists.
To learn more about each of our surgeons, their educational pathways in medicine, and their unique certifications, accreditations, and honors, visit our website!