Body Lifts

Published: March 2, 2017

During a body lift, excess sagging fat and skin are removed to treat conditions caused in part by poor tissue elasticity. The body lift procedure is an extension of the classic abdominoplasty. In some cases it can be done in conjunction with minor shaping liposuction. It is usually done as on an outpatient basis, but for some patients hospital stays may be indicated.

Patients will achieve a firmer, more youthful looking body contour as the result of a body lift.
A surgical body lift improves the shape and tone of the underlying tissue that supports fat and skin. More than any other procedure, a body lift can truly be a life-changing event, and Edina Plastic Surgery is the place to come for expertise in body lifts from our board certified and board eligible plastic surgeons.

The person that is the best candidate for this procedure has skin laxity which extends around the body. This condition may be the result of massive weight loss, such as gastric plication/gastric bypass surgery, large pregnancies, or even genetically lax skin. Typically the goals of a body lift are to tighten the abdominal skin and muscle, and to lift the thigh and buttock areas. Smokers and extremely overweight patients may not be good candidates for this procedure.

The body lift procedure leaves a significant scar, but that scar is necessary to obtain even more significant results. The body lift scars are customized to match the patient’s needs and can be designed to lift different areas of the body, depending on the patient’s own shape and goals.

It is usually 2 – 3 weeks before the patient can return to work, and it can be 2 – 3 months before all normal activities can be fully resumed.

To reduce postsurgical risk and speed recovery, at Edina Plastic Surgery we use a pain management pump that allows early walking. As with all body contouring procedures, the patient has to be dedicated to the result and must use a common sense approach to diet and exercise to maintain his or her results.

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